Landscaping Risk in Medical Emergency Dispatch
Risk communication in high-stakes or time-pressured situations is complex. An emergency '999' call is one such example of a situation of where someone needs to find a way to explain an unfolding, serious situation and request immediate help. The emergency service needs to quickly and precisely ascertain what has happened, what help is needed and where to send it.
This booklet is based on research work and collaboration with the Welsh Ambulance Service and Emergency Medical Retrieval and Transfer Service (EMRTS). Diagrams draw on the local service architecture and are intended to be read as a case study supported by examples through which issues of wider relevance are addressed. It is for key stakeholders involved in Emergency Medical Dispatch (EMD). The material seeks to raise awareness among staff performing the call-taking role, as well as strengthening the training provided for these staff and to inform relevant policy to support the work of all teams involved in EMD.
The booklet is designed to provide strategies and share good practices on the act of asking questions and writing the problem text field in the high risk, complex, time-sensitive setting of 999 calls. Through examples from our research data, we show linguistic practices that can help health professionals develop systematic strategies when interacting with the public and in inter-professional teams.